Wednesday, June 3, 2009

What If...

What if...

Everything you knew was wrong?

What if healthy food wasn't good for you and the so-called bad food was? What if low-fat, whole grains weren't good, but cream and butter was? What if there is no French Paradox, because the French are right and we're wrong?

What if evolution is wrong and creationism is wrong, and it's a completely different process altogether?

What if schools aren't failing but are succeeding at exactly what they are designed to do?

What if we aren't really free, but just really comfortable slaves of a new era? What if previous slave owners realized that the problem with slavery wasn't the lack of freedom, but the lack of comfort? What if they fixed that problem, and convinced millions of previously free people to volunteer for slavery?

What if there is no global warming? What if the sun is primarily responsible for all climate change, and there's nothing humans can do about it except survive?

What if we aren't as civilized as we think we are? What if there have been more civilized peoples than we are in the past, but none of their evidence survived to be found in archeological digs?

What if childbirth isn't inherently painful or dangerous, but we create the conditions that make it so?

I'm just musing here. Meditating on thoughts that may be wrong, but willing to consider the ideas that I've taken for granted for most of my life may not be true. Untethered thoughts, if you will. Every now and then I like to set aside some time, and challenge myself to look at something, anything or everything from a different point of view.

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