Friday, January 25, 2013


My son has been admitted inpatient for a month.  Driving back and forth from the hospital gave me time to reflect on this blog.  I've been hesitant to share much of my Untethered Adventures recently, waiting for something of substance.  I think I may have been remiss.  I suspect that this blog can do me some good to have a place to put all the things we experience.  While this is a public forum, I pause about how much I want public.  Even so, I think there is a place for anonymous information.  I do want the whole world to know some aspects of what life is like for us.

I do want to share some of my more radical thoughts, that I have to withhold from the medical team.  I don't agree with the institutional model of thought so predominant in medicine.  I am not revealing anything in particular with this post, but rather reflecting on the direction of this blog.  We'll see where I go from here.

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