Tuesday, May 5, 2009

The Green Face of Anti-Feminism

Hanging the laundry instead using the dryer? check
Breastfeeding instead of buying formula that was trucked a thousand miles, and in non-recyclable packaging? check
Sewing one's own cloth diapers? check
Zero mile commute? check
Menu planning? check
Time to visit the farmer's market to buy locally grown organic produce? check
Bringing cloth bags to the supermarket to buy other items in bulk and other low-waste packaging? check
Time and energy to reduce, reuse and recycle? check

Are all these the hallmarks of a hard-core eco-activist? Or, are they cruel, backwards thinking of the patriarchy, the boring drudgery that keeps women down and out of the workforce? It can be hard to identify with the political Left, with the sometimes diametrically opposed manifestations of ideation. The internal conflicts, the vigorous debating amongst other progressives and all that energy spent trying to sort it all out: it gets to be overwhelming, I'm sure.

However, if one is an antifeminist, then one can just go along, being as backward as one wishes. A woman can focus on what works for her family, what saves the most money and what brings the most pleasure. When a woman doesn't have to compare herself to an outward model, as feminism continually does, then she's truely free to run her life as she sees fit. It may be greener than liberals who aspire and agonize towards, "an impossible standard." Maybe they're right; maybe it is impossible to be a modern, green woman. The difference is that they mean one must therefore drop all that eco-friendly business. An antifeminist instead rejects the "modern" part, the feminist standard. Do those clothes off the line smell incredible and save a few pennies off the electric bill? Delightful! That's reason enough. It doesn't matter whether it's a green life; it just has to be a good life.

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